Continuing on in Holocaust Denial on Trial’s (HDoT) copes for there being no orders for the Nazi to exterminate Jews, HDoT makes the assertion that Hitler transferred his orders orally.
For evidence of this HDoT provides the speculation that after the failed euthanasia plan Hitler was embarrassed about the fallout and therefore wary about giving written orders. This is kind of silly though because the if the German people did not like a policy they would know who to blame whether or not a written order existed. For evidence of this speculation they provide post-war hearsay from Eichmann. HDoT also provides an opinion from Peter Longerich from an essay that just so happens to be published on HDoT. Longerich’s essay is prefaced by his academic achievements. Achievements that he never would have been able to accomplish if he had a dissenting view on the Holocaust narrative.
Let’s just pretend, for the sake of argument, that Hitler did give all his orders orally. How then would have these orders disseminated throughout the entire Nazi apparatus? It’s not just that Hitler gave no written orders, it’s that there were never any written orders found at all. There is the cope that the Nazis burned documents to hide their crimes, another claim with zero evidence, but is it really believable that all traces of a Nazi policy of Jewish extermination could be destroyed?
In part 21 of Dean Irebodd’s documentary, One Third of the Holocaust—A holocaust denial movie on the subject of Treblinka, Sobibor, and Belzec, he makes an excellent point about Auschwitz. If the Nazis were really trying to hide their crimes why would they leave behind any incriminating evidence including over 7,000 living witnesses? If you really wanted to hide evidence why not destroy the whole camp and get rid of the witnesses? Germany knew they were losing the war. They knew the Soviets were advancing and they would have had plenty of time to destroy all incriminating evidence, including 7 tons of easily burnable hair.
It is well known that the British broke Germany’s ‘Enigma’ code in 1941. What is not so widely publicized is the fact that the decoded messages contain no references to gassings. An article by Christoph Wieland provides the admission of this:
So here we have a case of extermination orders not being transmitted orally. Once again I will point out that the burden of proof lies with the accuser. Still, I have done more to disprove the assertion that Hitler gave the alleged execution orders orally than HDoT has done to prove it. For in-depth coverage of the British intercepts I recommend checking out Breaking the Spell—The Holocaust, Myth & Reality by Nicholas Kollerstrom.
This last section is mostly assertions without evidence. HDoT does give this one bit of evidence however; “A report entitled “Report to the Führer on Combating Partisans,” (No. 51, December 1942) reported that 363,211 Jews had been executed. The report had been printed in the large type favored by Hitler, who hated wearing his reading glasses, and was signed by Heinrich Himmler, the head of the SS and a member of Hitler’s inner circle. It was marked “Shown to the Führer.”[8] If Hitler had not ordered these murders, why did he review and sign this report?“
I guess the wariness of Hitler having his named tied to controversial documents has been thrown out the window for this argument. Along with the notion of using coded language, as the word executed is quite explicit. The two HDoT sources regarding this document do not actually provide any actual text from the report. As of yet my searches for this document have been in vain and I am unable to investigate it. My initial thoughts are that this document is being interrupted in a deceitful way and that is why they are not making the document readily available, but this is only speculation. I will do some digging around (ask the CoHoD forum for help) and report what I find. (UPDATE: I have written an article about the document in question. Read it here.)
The last sentence in this section; “There is no one order for all of these actions, but there is a large and diverse body of paperwork that, when considered as a whole, documents the murder of the Jews.”, is quite the statement. What is this ‘diverse body of paperwork’? Does HDoT mean the hearsay and out of context statements that they presented as evidence? ‘When considered as a whole’? Does HDoT mean, when cherry picked for the information that supports the official narrative? The only solid piece of information in that sentence is that there are no orders for the alleged actions.
In conclusion Holocaust revisionists do not claim that because a order from Hitler does not exist that automatically proves the Holocaust didn’t happen. Hitler avoiding paperwork, transmitting orders orally and documents being destroyed are claims that HDoT failed to substantiate. A “variety of separate solutions that took place in different areas, at different times, and in different ways” still requires logistical coordination and organization. As I said in part one: “The burden of proof lies on the accuser and this lack of evidence is a point against proving the Holocaust happened, not a point against disproving it.”