Today I will be examining this article from the news media that uncritically presented a demonstrably flawed discovery about the Holocaust.
The first thing this article confronts you with is a large picture of soldiers shooting people in a ditch. The caption only says ‘The holocaust’. Rick Sallinger, the author of this article, would like you to not question what that picture actually showing and just let its imagery enhance the mood of the piece.
The subject of this article is a book called The Holocaust by Bullets, by French priest, Father Desbois, who we will get to in a bit. We are told that Desbois had ‘uncovered’ 2300 mass graves with 1.6 million victims.
I have previously written about the unfeasibly of the Einsatzgruppen murdering over a million people. I have also previously written about the dig for a mass grave in Marijampole that was revealed to be inconclusive, yet that fact doesn’t stop Holocaust affirmers from accepting it as proof of the alleged Einsatzgruppen murders. So, is it really possible that Desbois really found the graves of 1.6 million victims?
Next we are told about the pious Father Desbois denouncing some evil White people that had the audacity to stand up to protect their nations heritage.
Noticeably absent from Sallinger’s article is anything further about this amazing uncovering of the mass graves of 1.6 million victims. To fill us in on Desbios’ methodology we have an explanation from Robert Faurisson that he gave during an interview:
“These days, in the Ukraine, there’s a Roman Catholic priest who’s been getting a lot of attention, father Patrick Desbois, a Frenchman and great friend of the Jews. His speciality consists in travelling the length and breadth of the land in search of “mass Jewish graves”. He has the good Ukrainian peasants of a given area informed that he’ll soon be calling at such or such locale and that he intends to garner testimonies about the slaughters of Jews by the Germans during the war. It’s wholly in the inhabitants’ interest to be able to boast that the environs actually possess such mass graves over which, afterwards, may be erected monuments that may in turn attract the odd foreign tourist. The “witnesses” get together and prepare a story. The priest then pays his visit and has his photograph taken with the country-folk as they point towards some spot or other. One may, to begin with, be astonished at the age of certain witnesses photographed thus far: they are quite plainly below the necessary age, which would normally be about 80. But there’s something more astonishing still: these supposed mass graves will not be dug open; no disinterment or any material verification will be carried out, all under the admirable pretence that the Jewish religion prohibits the touching of Jewish corpses; however, it’s enough to look in the Encyclopedia Judaica (1978) at the entry “Autopsies [plural] and Dissection [singular]” to see that there is no such prohibition at all. Only at a single location, Busk outside Lvov, have fifteen common graves been dug open, but none of the skeletons found there were examined and the sites were all covered over with a thick layer of concrete, meaning no authentication will be very possible in future! A curious way of respecting a body in accordance with Jewish law! The historian will thus have to be satisfied with what father Desbois, a clever man, tells us the witnesses told him. Hence, unverified numbers of unfound and unshown victims will be added up and, at the end, we shall be told that the Ukraine contains so many mass graves with so many Jewish victims.”
As you can see there was actually no uncovering involved as archaeological digs were not done at these alleged grave sites.
Faurisson isn’t the only one with criticism of Desbois’ research. In an article by Carlo Mattogno I learned of a retraction French newspaper, Le Mode, made in regards to Desbois’ book (Mattogno critically examines the claims Desbois makes in this article and I highly recommend you check it out).
Further on in the Le Mode article there is an admission from Desbois that he is not a historian. The Holocaust Memorial Foundation, which Desbois was chair of at the time said, “he has the right to have his own methodology, which is not that of academics”. Yet we have outlets like CBS News presenting him as a historian and academic.
It was very clever of Sallinger to use the word ‘uncovered’ when describing Desbois’ alleged mass grave findings to invoke the image of digging while the truth is that Desbois based his book on hearsay. In fact, the only digging Desbois actually did was to look for spent bullet cartridges, not human remains. He goes so far as to aver that these cartridges are ‘proof of the Shoah by bullets’. Because finding spent cartridges can only mean systematic murder of an ethnic group of people and nothing else.
Back to the article in question, it ends with CBS 4 promoting an exhibit on the ‘Holocaust by Bullets’ that they just so happen to be sponsoring. Thank goodness the residents of Colorado had that opportunity to partake in modern Holocaust propaganda!