Introduction to Babi Yar, The Witnesses of Babi Yar Part One, The Witnesses of Babi Yar Part Two, Exhumation of the Bodies at Babi Yar, Babi Yar and Air Photos
Holocaust Denial on Trial, or HDoT, has some excuses for the lack of physical evidence at the alleged mass murder site of Babi Yar. HDoT makes the assertion that the eyewitness evidence is more substantial than the physical evidence. This is true. However, as I have said before, more substantial does not mean valid. It just means there is more of it. As I have shown in part 1 and 2 of The Witnesses to Babi Yar, the eyewitness testimony is contradictory and contains absurd claims. This renders the testimony as unreliable.
Here HDoT presents the physical evidence. We have photographs and an investigation done by the Soviets in 1944. This is the first mentions of any such investigation by HDoT. Finally, we have some more eyewitness testimony. Eyewitness testimony is not physical evidence, but nice try, HDoT.
Let’s take a look at the photographs. The footnote HDoT provides tells you to go to the Yad Vashem webpage and search for Babi Yar in the photo collection. If you look at the mass murder tag you won’t find any photos of people being murdered, just people gathered in a place. The only indication that they were going to be murdered are the labels telling you this is the case. In this section I found the following photo labeled, ‘Babi-Yar, Ukraine, The remains of ashes and body remains.’ I guess I see some charred looking things in the dirt. Were forensic tests done to determine that they are ashes from the remains of humans? There would have a considerable amount of ashes because not only the ashes of the bodies remain, but also the wood ash from the fuel used to cremate the bodies.
Next I looked under ‘the burning of copses’ tag. There is one photo labeled, ‘Babiy [sic] Yar, Ukraine, The site where the corpses of those murdered in 1941 were burned, photographed 1943-1944.’. Ok then, moving on.
Next we have ‘mass graves’ tag. This section contained the following photo labeled, “Ukraine, Babi Yar, Bodies found in a mass grave by Soviet researchers, 1944.” There are several other photos like this in this section. However, they are not cremated as the orthodox Holocaust historians claimed the alleged victims of Babi Yar were. Do we even know the ethnicity of these victims, how they died or when they died? When orthodox Holocaust historians present images of dead bodies they want you to forget that a war was happening at the and piles of dead bodies were, unfortunately, a common sight. Images of dead bodies, as shocking as they may be, are not proof of a massacre of over 30,000 people, nor is it proof of Nazi Germany having a plan to exterminate European Jews.
The last relevant photo section is ‘corpses’. Here we have some of the same photos from the ‘mass graves’ section. There are also three pictures of the same two bodies take from different angles. And two pictures of another two bodies taken from different angles. Hardly proof of the massacre of over 30,000 Jews.
In 1961 a mudslide permanently altered the ravine where Babi Yar was said to have happened. 1961 was nearly 20 years after the war, however. Prior to flood the Soviets preformed the only physical investigation of the alleged murder site. Here are pages from the report of the Extraordinary State Commissions’, ‘Information of the Extraordinary State Commission on Destruction and Atrocities Perpetrated by the German-Fascist Invaders in the City of Kiev’, that HDoT referenced. On page 202 it is written that 150 bodies were found during the investigation.
Was the Soviet investigation and discovery of only 150 bodies enough to provide conclusive evidence for the alleged massacre of Babi Yar? From Carlo Mattogno’s book, The Einsatzgruppen in the Occupied Eastern Territories—Genesis, Missions and Actions, we learn why this investigation was far from conclusive:
What else does HDoT have for us?
Eyewitness testimony is not physical evidence! Sorry, Anatoli Kuznetsov, but the claims you made in your memoir are not valid evidence.
In conclusion, there is no physical evidence of the alleged mascara of Babi Yar. The photographs presented does not show evidence of a massacre. The Soviet investigation that found 150 bodies is not conclusive evidence of the the claimed murder of 100,000 people. Eyewitness testimony is not physical evidence nor proof of the alleged massacre. Lastly, I will grant the premise that Babi Yar is in a state that can not be investigated today, however HDoT provides no justification or reason as to why there was no thorough investigation by any of the Allied governments done prior to 1961.
Read the last part of the series, Babi Yar and Air Photos.
It was real in my mind.